Most powerful fluid for record cleaning machine ?

Just purchased a Loricraft PRC-3. What is the most effective cleaning fluid at the moment ?
On our PRC-3 we use:

1. Micro-Care Premier + Loricraft brush
2. RRL Deep Cleaner + DD brush (very important)
3. RRL Vinyl Wash + DD brush #2

Play and inspect sonics and stylus for evidence of cleanliness or otherwise. If additional cleaning is indicated (maybe 30% of all records):

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, scrubbing harder

If still further cleaning is indicated:

5. Smart Developments foaming cleaner and/or AIVS, depending on a (mostly uninformed) guess as to what's still on this stupid record.

AIVS cleans well IME, but the samples I have will not rinse thoroughly. I'm apparently one of the few having that problem, so Paul Frumkin is sending new samples. I'm hoping they rinse as well as everyone else's seems to.

Congrats on the Loricraft, it's a fine machine.
In addition to the AIVS, Paul Frumkin is now starting to sell ultra-pure water to use as a third step following the application of the enzymatic solution and the super cleaner formula. The ultra-pure water may be useful too for a final rinse after the DD cleanser and rinse routine.

This one is easy. Dilute isopropyl alcohol (from your drugstore) with distilled water so that you end up with a solution that is 25-30 percent isopropyl alcohol with the remainder distilled water. You must also add a small amount of Photoflow (available at your local photo shop) as a surfactant to help the solution spread over your vinyl. I have never purchased any of the designer-brand solutions because this solution has been effective at cleaning thousands of records over the last decade.