Hello Bnc
First off, congratulations!!! Your move will evenutally bring you much happiness. There a lot of good turntables out there, which would answer you quest and bring you much joy, I recently purchased a new VPI 'Scout' table w/arm and I have been very happy with the results. The cartridge used would really be up to your own preferences, there are many Grados, Dynavectors, ClearAudios etc. for consideration.
Regardless, of what you purcase however, to really bring out the life and dimimish the noise factor, you should really pick-up a disk-cleaning machine. I have a VPI 16.5 and I'll tell you they really are worth the money. They (any brand) will lessen the surface noise and bring you a more dynamic sound with less background noise than you have previously experienced.
So any good turntable and arm coupled with a disk-cleaning machine will bring you hours of enjoyment with your old records.
Good luck and good listening.
First off, congratulations!!! Your move will evenutally bring you much happiness. There a lot of good turntables out there, which would answer you quest and bring you much joy, I recently purchased a new VPI 'Scout' table w/arm and I have been very happy with the results. The cartridge used would really be up to your own preferences, there are many Grados, Dynavectors, ClearAudios etc. for consideration.
Regardless, of what you purcase however, to really bring out the life and dimimish the noise factor, you should really pick-up a disk-cleaning machine. I have a VPI 16.5 and I'll tell you they really are worth the money. They (any brand) will lessen the surface noise and bring you a more dynamic sound with less background noise than you have previously experienced.
So any good turntable and arm coupled with a disk-cleaning machine will bring you hours of enjoyment with your old records.
Good luck and good listening.