How to protect turntable from children?

How do you do it? Locking book case?

Links to furniture would be superb.


It's called the wrath of dad. Seriously, I taught my kids early on you don't touch moms stuff or dads stuff without permission. Besides these days the are far more interested in their MacBook pros, iPods, iPhones, etc.

My older one is asking for a TT, likely will get a ProJect, or an old Dual and make sure it's fitted with a cartridge where the stylus is user replaceable.
I have found that grandkids are the best excuse for a dedicated sound room--that is kept locked.
My wife created a fabric cover that went over the acrylic cover of my (at the time) Thorens TT. Around that and the bottom of the TT, we wrapped a piece of elastic with Velcro closure.

The fabric blocked the TT from view and limited its intrigue. The elastic, if our son ever attempted to get into the closure (which he didn't), was meant to slow him down, allowing one of us to hopefully halt the unveiling.