Step-up transformers...

I recently purchased a lovely Benz-Micro ACE 0.4mv cart. from a member here on Audiogon, but have come to find out that my Audio Innovations 500 cannot accommodate such a low output...

I've seen/heard of a couple of options - the KAB "Pre-MC" and the "Blackhead II" (what a name, eh?)...

Has anyone ever used either one of these products? - I guess I want to use a simple step-up because it's inexpensive and I would like to stick with the tube phono pre offered by the 500.

Thanks a ton,
Thanks, very interesting.
It's quite a dilemna: what hurts more, adding a tranny or choosing a high output version of a cartridge, in lieu of the lower output version? In this case, I'm considering the Airy3. Mehran and I talked, and we sort of settled on the 3H as a good option with the CAT. However, he also pointed out that generally the lower output versions sound best, which makes sense. Naturally, adding a tranny vs. not is sure to risk adding some additional artifacts into the mix. Without the luxury of a shootout like you just did, it's tough to judge. I'm confident that the 3H would be fine w/o tranny, as it's output exceeds my 501II. Also considering other carts w/similar output levels such as the Benz LP Ebony & Ruby3, and the Allerts.
Heading to CES on Saturday, so hopefully I'll get to hear some good analog while I'm there...Cheers,
Thanks Doug!
I still have the CAT SL1 Sig MkIII & still use the Benz L2 with a 14dB K&K Audio step-up. For me, with the step-up sounds best. I used the Benz L2 w/o a step-up for several weeks. Fiddled a lot with the setup to get it to reproduce sound the way I thought it should but couldn't. The mid-bass & bass were lacking & the music had very little heft. Hence the use of a step-up.
Spencer & I have talked before about this. Somehow his CAT SL1 Mk3 behaves differently in his system than mine does & he is fine w/o a step-up. So be it!
Spencer, let us know how the ZYX 3H compares to the Shelter 501. Thanks!
I'll be sure to post regardless of which direction I end up going. I'm having a tough time working thru this decision. It would be nice to be able to listen to the effects of the step-up + low output cartridge vs. the higher output versions. I also am still considering other carts, such as Allerts and Benz and welcome any suggestions. Cheers,