Theta Pro Basic III upgraded to III A,

Just purchased a Theta Pro Basic III that has been upgraded to a III A. How can you tell? Physically all that is different is a silver sticker on the back that says "Version A". Is that it? Do the stickers differ, or is that the correct one? Please advise. Thanks for the help...Shoemaker.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate it. Although I am sure that Cornfedboy's "Version B" sticker is a bargain, I'm saving my money to upgrade my "double butt ugly" speakers..Thanks again everyone. It was because of the $25.00 surcharge that I asked you all. I figured that I could get the information just as quickly and accurately here, and it wouldn't cost me. (Except for the ribbing you get from Cornfedboy)...Regards, Shoemaker.
I've got a Pro Gen.VI that was upgraded to a VIa, upgraded to a VII, and finally upgraded to a VIIa to trade for your IIIa. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
shoemaker: you're a damn fine sport to appeciate my "ribbin'." glad you got some actual, helpful advice. -cfb