Satori Shotgun or Hologram

According to "Stereophile" Satori shotgun is to be used on 3 or 4 way speakers and Hologram for 2 ways.
My B&W CDM7NT's are considered a 2 1/2 way so which cable do I use?
The Sonus Fabers are less expensive than B & W N803's. To me, the Sonus Fabers beat any of the B & W's until you get to the N803's and the N803's just barely nip them. But the Sonus Fabers are a big bang for the buck, IMO, and you can usually find them
for around $2,200 used on A'gon. That's far less than a new pair
of N803's. Plus, the Sonus Fabers are a lot more efficient and won't put nearly the strain on your amp as the B & W's. Try to get out and listen to the Sonus Fabers. Happy Holidays to you, too!
This message is for Rsbeck but also anyone else who may know the answer to my question of "Power Filers" or "Line
Conditioners". Do I need this thing even though I have good
A.C. Cables to connect my system with? I am obviously new at this...
I would hold off on an AC Conditioner, but eventually you will want to do something about AC Conditioning if you keep upgrading. For now, a power strip with a surge protector is enough. That's my opinion.
Chevelle -- right now, if I were you, I would put my money into
better speakers, then better CD player, then better Amp. After you've made those upgrades -- on your next round of purchases,
I would look into a nice AC Conditioner. Take all the money you want to spend on Subwoofer, high end cables, AC Conditioner
and put it into your speakers and then CD player and then amp -- you'll get a much bigger improvement in sound than putting all those expensive accessories on your present system.
With what of the B&W speaker do you compare the martin logans ASCENT? I have ascent front,aeon surround and script back surround,of course theater for center?