CD Player for around 3500?

I'm looking for a CD player that I can consider my last. After this its multi median SACD etc. So I'm interested in a 24/192 sampler. Currently I'm considering both new and used so Meridians, Muse, Cary, Audio Aero, and even the new Sony muli channel 777 (replacement for the SCD-1) are being considered. Problem is I can find very happy owners of all of the above but now objective reviews.
Sony Xa777es for $2000 with the Modwright/JenaLabs $1500 Tubed output stage mod !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the very best sound in that price range would be a used Muse Model 296 with the I2S link to a Muse model 8 transport. This should be right about ytour target price and nothing short of dCS can compare. Muse's best digital circuit seem capable of keeping the palpability of analogue without loosing the detail of digital. They are absolutely amazing. I am a classical musician and have never heard the instruments sound so real except live in the best concert halls. The 296 does not have a processed sound (warm or analytical) it allows the instruments and mikes to have their own sounds. Muse is a small company, but I've never met anyone who was unhappy with Muse digital gear.
No objective opinions allowed on this site. Everyone seems to be very loyal to what they've invested in. You can find some honest opinions though. I went with the Cary 306 for the following reasons. Reputable US firm. HDCD and upsampling/oversampling.Front loading, no manual disc clamping or weighing. Variety of digital inputs and outputs. Balanced XLR and RCA analog outputs.It sounds incredible and to me seemed a bargain at just over 2.3k. I got the older one with the PMD100 processor. The new PMD 200 is available now and may be within your price range soon. Read as many reviews as you can. Hear as many units as you can and take the leap. You will not be disappointed in any of the players you mentioned, though some people have a problem with the inconvenience of top loaders. The filtering seems to make a big difference. Here's a site that has some pretty good info on these.
Thanks everyone for your comments. Yes I see a lot of brand loyalty but I'm sure that after checking out a sub set of those avaiable in your price range. I wounder if anyone has experience with the Audio Aero Capitol vs their cheaper CD player? What's the difference (other then $5k) No reviews at all on their sub $2K player.