Audio Aero Prima Dac

Anybody heard the new Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Dac? This site has run out of superlatives for the Audio Aero Capitole, but alas I'm not ready to shell out 6K for a cd player. This dac is said to be the same one in the Capitole, but lists for $3,800. If I string it up to my existing cd player (Copland 266) with a digital out, can I close to the sound of the Capitole? I'd love to hear from anyone who has heard this dac. Thanks.
If its half as good as the Capitole.Its the second best reproducer of digital sound around.I love the products this Company MFGs.I heard the prima before the 24-192 version and it was great.
Audio Aero is a product to get excited about.not chaep but you get value for your money.
I own the Capitole 24/192, and would not trade it for anything right now, and the Prima Dac no doubt would sound very close, provided the tranport is up to the task- go for it!
Seems this Dac is rather obscure (or perhaps overlooked by audiophiles). I checked audio asylum and saw another regarding this dac in which no one responded who had direct experience with it. With all the hoopla on the Capitole, its strange this product doesn't appear to be a big hit. Perhaps Dacs in the 4K price range are not in vogue these days!