Rushton,I respect your opinions,as I've read quite a few of your posts,and you seem to be quite reliable.I will have an opportunity to hear within 2 weeks the results on EBM's set-up as he is a friend,and I know his system well.Don't get me wrong I don't consider myself a contrarian and hope I come away from that listening session with my hand on my wallet.I just wish that the mark-ups on some(most)of the products in this hobby would seem reasonable to me,and the SST looks like it is rediculously overpriced.However,what do I know,I just bought my wife a 300.00 COACH(FREAKIN')pocketbook!!So who am I to pass judgement.Anyway,thanks for the feedback,and I'll post my own observation,on a system that I'm intimately familiar with,in the future.