ZYX Airy2-X-SB on Graham 2.2

I'm thinking of using this cartridge/arm combination. From everything I've read here this seems like a good match. What I'm not sure about is the SB option. From Doug's excellent review I understand this represents an integral silver hearshell weight. Does anyone know if the Airy2-X should have the SB option on a Graham 2.2?
Dear Larry (et al),

Thanks for the recommendation towards waiting for the Universe. Must be something very special! Still trying to weigh the Airy2 and Airy3 options.

Musical tastes run the gamut from 1970's Rock n'roll to Jazz to Classical. Occasionally even a good romp through cross-over country. Older music; Steely Dan, Dire Straits, early Elton John, Boston, Supertramp, Floyd, Zeppelin, U2, Peter Gabriel, Chicago, Eagles, etc. Newer music, Diana Krall, Norah Jones, Shawn Colvin, Sarah McLachlin, (female vocalists tending towards Jazz), John Mayer, etc. Jazz includes both older Bill Evans and Ellington plus newer Gruisen, Ritenour, etc. I have a number of my Dad's old LPs from the 50's and 60's. Not into dixie and not into rap. Classical music tend toward chamber music, piano concertos, some chorale and symphonies. Generally speaking, just listen to the music and enjoy.

Vinyl front end includes a Graham 2.1 with ceramic arm, Michell Gyrodec SE and Glider 2 cart with ASR phonostage. I'm using my HT processor and multichannel amp as I have to share the family room with the family. Our spare room was turned into a kids playroom. I'm hoping to get a 2-channel room again this year, but will replace my old 2-channel gear. Considering a choice of adding a 2 channel preamp with HT passthrough. Silverline Audio speakers across the front.

Like the smoothness of vinyl and tubes. Etched hurts my brain, so I probably tend towards warmer. Detail is nice but not at the expense of wincing pain. It can be fun to hear the clinking of glasses and coughs in the audience. Struggled with digital for many years and tubed digital helped but tend to listen to vinyl when I listen to music at home. Hard attacks and broad dynamics without saturation are important with some music, but I tend toward music for relaxation. I guess that I know it when I hear it. I can't quite say that I'm an audiophile. Lover of music, yes. Audiophile, I don't think so. Granted, my goal to bring the band or performer into my room. I've experienced the reach out and touch the performer a few times and they are the times that I relish the most.

Thanks for the help.

I also have a Graham (2.2) have somewhat similar taste in music and your quote (listed below) sounded like I wrote it.
["Like the smoothness of vinyl and tubes. Etched hurts my brain, so I probably tend towards warmer. Detail is nice but not at the expense of wincing pain."]
In my system, the Airy2 was an appreciable upgrade over my Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum and yielded more detail, better attacks and more musicality.
The Airy3 was a major improvement in the dynamics, level of detail and the attacks over the Airy2. As much as I appreciated the improvement of detail and we fiddled with the loading for the cartridge, we could not get it to the point where I could stand the sound of the Airy3 on my system. (I do think that their are systems and people with different taste that would be quite happy with the Airy3, and there are those people out there).
The UNIverse yielded even more detail than the Airy3, had incredible warmth/musicality, terrific tight controlled and extended bass that was extremely tuneful, great sound staging and delineation of the performers/instruments. The sound coming from the UNIverse is just complete in everyway for me. A great balance of all the attributes that I want and all of them in spades.
I just don't think you can go wrong with a UNIverse and I am quite sure that you should wait and save for it over the Airy2 or Airy3. I don't think, based on your comments, that you would like the Airy3, the Airy2 would be significant upgrade for you, but the UNIverse is a huge and dramatic leap over the Airy2.
Contact Mehran and get an idea of what the cost will be. I don't know what the list price is or what price he is willing to sell for at this point.
I would also like you to hear Doug Deacon's comments (he and Paul were present for the 2.5 day comparison of the 3 ZYX cartridges on my system). Hopefully, he will weigh in here and add to my notes.

I haven't picked up a ZYX or Shelter yet, tax season ya' know. But I did spend a little and bought a 103R. I swapped out my Benz glider with the Denon and after ~30 hrs I can tell you that the Benz is now in the drawer. I like the Benz alot, but I think it is easily bettered. This experiment with the 103r has opened my ears to the dynamics of low compliance MC's. My arm is a Basis Vector, but there is a Graham 2.2 sitting in a box next to my TT waiting, and waiting, and waiting for an IC-50 to show up. Anyway, I think you'll like stepping up from the Glider. The combination of a cartridge that provides more detail with tubes seems to work very well. You get attack without the glare.
I don't know what the list price or the selling price is for the UNIverse.
Drop Mehran a short line and I am sure that he will be happy to fill you in. Do mention that I sent you his way.
Sorry to hear about your table taking a dive and I hope it is back in your hands quickly. What brand/model do you have?
If you talk to Mehran, I would ask specifically about the differences in silver vs. copper as well as 2 vs 3. Contrary to what is considered "general perceived wisdom" around here, Mehran instructed me that the silver versions would be warmer, fuller and more relaxed in sound than the copper. this is opposite of what I usually find with cables, but I took his advice and ordered a silver Airy3. Availability and pricing were equal for silver & copper, so that didn't come into play at all.
Everything is relative here...Cheers,