Best speaker cable in the $2,500 range

I have been reading many reviews about the following speaker cables in the around $2,500 price range (for an 8 or 10 ft pair) but can't seem to come to a consensus as to which one would be the best choice. I am looking for a pair to upgrade from my Transparent Musicwave Supers. Any feedback on your experiences with these cables is much appreciated! Thanks!

MIT M3 Magnum
Monster Cable Sigma Retro Gold
Straightwire Crescendo
Synergistic Resolution Reference
Tara Labs Air 1
Transparent Musicwave Ultra
Virtual Dynamics Master (or Nite bi-wired)
I respectfully disagree with Robert Schult’s statement. His statement assumed that the “goodness” of a component is measurable and it is absolute, but in reality neither is true.

Lets consider this: what does it mean by a good speaker cable? Is it low DC resistance? Is it low capacitance? Is it low inductance? Or maybe it is all three. But how do we know these three parameters are the only ones that affect the “goodness”? What about the material used like pure sliver wire, sliver plated copper, single crystal copper, OFC, etc… How do we measure their goodness? Or maybe there are other parameters that we don't even know yet.

Eventually, we still have to put the cable in a system and listen for the result. What if the same cable sounds good in one system but sounds bad in another, is that cable still a good component? How about my situation, I initially connected a BAT VK-75SE to a pair of Vandy 5 using Harmonic Tech Pro-9+ biwired, but the result was unsatisfactory, rolled off high and soft bass. I than replaced the Pro-9 with a pair of dyi cables made from Home Depot extension cord and everything has improved, high opened up, bass was tighter and better defined, mid-range has more details.

Now back to the “goodness” question: the Pro-9 is supposed to be a good speaker cable but it didn’t sound very good in my system, does that mean the VK-75SE and the Vandy 5 are not “good” components? Or maybe the dyi cable is “good” but the Pro-9+ is not? How can we tell?

At the end of the day, the goodness of a component still has to be determined by how it performs in a particular system and that means system synergy.
Oops! Apology to Mr Schult...I was referring to another individual with a similar name, and thought the first reference was simply a typo. Ern
try looking into audioquest they have some good cables for spealers in that range.
as for transparent the only really good speaker cably they have is the opus and it cost 35k.
Almost 2 years ago I searched for new speaker cables. I compared Tara Labs,Omega Micro,Silversmith,Nordost,Purist cables. I liked the Silversmith the best. It had the best combination of detail,transparency,soundstaging,without any sibilance or excessive warmth. Enjoy listening.
"The feel of dimensionality in the front to back soundstage is more important than side to side. I want to feel the singer's voice projected 1/2 way into my living room. Am I making any sense here?"

Yes. Cables do vary around the attributes you described. I am hardly a cable guru, but Purist cables do depth and natural. They don't launch sound in front of the speakers if that's what you meant by "1/2 way..."

I recently happened upon a thread detailing an unusual cable. I found it very interesting, so in my immature excitement I am going to lay it on you: OTA