Best speaker cable in the $2,500 range

I have been reading many reviews about the following speaker cables in the around $2,500 price range (for an 8 or 10 ft pair) but can't seem to come to a consensus as to which one would be the best choice. I am looking for a pair to upgrade from my Transparent Musicwave Supers. Any feedback on your experiences with these cables is much appreciated! Thanks!

MIT M3 Magnum
Monster Cable Sigma Retro Gold
Straightwire Crescendo
Synergistic Resolution Reference
Tara Labs Air 1
Transparent Musicwave Ultra
Virtual Dynamics Master (or Nite bi-wired)
Almost 2 years ago I searched for new speaker cables. I compared Tara Labs,Omega Micro,Silversmith,Nordost,Purist cables. I liked the Silversmith the best. It had the best combination of detail,transparency,soundstaging,without any sibilance or excessive warmth. Enjoy listening.
"The feel of dimensionality in the front to back soundstage is more important than side to side. I want to feel the singer's voice projected 1/2 way into my living room. Am I making any sense here?"

Yes. Cables do vary around the attributes you described. I am hardly a cable guru, but Purist cables do depth and natural. They don't launch sound in front of the speakers if that's what you meant by "1/2 way..."

I recently happened upon a thread detailing an unusual cable. I found it very interesting, so in my immature excitement I am going to lay it on you: OTA
I want to thank everyone for all your inputs, opinions, and advice. I am all set now. Good or bad, I ended up deciding on the Tara Labs Air speaker cables to match the other Tara Lab interconnects that I already have in my system. So far, I am quite happy with the Air-series from Tara Labs (however I do line their "The One" line more).

BTW, I was just trying to make a point with my "1/2 way into the room" comment. But I think you folks got what I trying to get at :o)

Thanks again!