Music Hall mmf-5 vs. Rega P3

I know the high praise both of these TTs usually get puts them solidly in the best-bang-for-the-buck category, but in a head-to-head which one is the build? sound? I suspect the P3 may get the most nods, in which case, what changes or mods would the mmf-5 need to go through to match/exceed it? Thoughts?
Yeah, I have a mmf-5 and I enjoy it very much. I just purchased a green P3 with a dynavector 10x5 cartridge 'cause the deal was too good and 'cause I fancied the green ones the first time I saw 'em. I believe this to be a long-time tt for me. Yet, I can't help but think the mmf-5 is a dandy table that i could have lived with for a long time as well. I would like to formally sing its praises!

oh, psychoanimal...ppppt.
it seem to me that anyone so focused on negativity, and so obsessed with putting down MMF, leads me to believe that he is jealous, insecure and just plain inexperienced about what qualities to look for in a turntable.

Quite the contrary, it's you who's ignorant.

An older generation Thorens belt drive with a frequency generator motor will outperform the Rega and the MMF-5. Why? Because of speed/rotational stability. Belts stretch with time and electricity fluctuates constantly. That's one of the main reasons why those Thorens are still coveted by the belt drive fans. Truth is, a current model cheap Technics belt drive with FG servo motor will also give those two TTs a run for their money--probably up to the $700 price range.

Finally, when it comes to decks, specs DO matter. A TT with bad wow & flutter specs will not sound right--period.

I'm enjoying a cocktail right now, listening to my mmf-5 and digging it all. It occurs to me that that is the thing. I have no desire nor do I have the patience to suffer the self-posturing verbal masturbation that passes for discussion from some of the chuckleheads on A'gon. Debate, ideas, discourse- these are truly fine and good things, as are opinions. The spirit of most of the posts here and on A'gon is usually exceptional. It is the small yahoos with their brains broiling and furious fingers clicking the loud and silly farts of their outrage that how dare we not recognize their brilliance?! The record needs to be flipped and I need another cocktail.
Man I am laughing my but off!!!
very good post / 02-26-05: David_w

I am glad you are enjoying you new analog rig David.

That as Mikey Fermer says "can kick the crap out of any cd player"
