No. 26 - MM or MC board?

Hi - I am trying a ML 26 preamp w/phono stage in my system, (Denon 103R cart.). I set the gain internal switch to 58dB or 38db and cartridge gain to 100 Ohms which I beleive is the recommended load for the Denon (instruction come in Japanesse so I can´t tell).

The point is that eventhough sound level is acceptable at the 1 o´clock position in the volume knob, there is not enough dynamics compared to the line level input (CDP in this case) and far from my previous Michael Yee phono preamp signal.

Could it be that this particular No. 26 has a MM board?
The 100 ohm setting is wrong for the Danon 103r?

Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge here.

Hi Fernando,
I have bought the No.26 new in 1988 with a build-in MC stage.Used it with a Koetsu Black (around 0,4 mV output) and settings to highest amplification.
At first i thought this sounds best and later this was confirmed by HP in The Absolute Sound.
The mentioned settings gives little difference in sound level compared to line levels of nominal 1 V (CD players etc).
Perhaps these links help :
Gr Michel.
100 ohms is a fine place to start the loading on the phono stage for a Denon 103R.
You might do some experimenting with + or- about 20% from there, to see how you like it.

It sounds to me like the phono gain is a little bit low, based on your description of lacking dynamics. The 103R has an output of about 0.27mv, so it needs plenty of gain in the front end. Unless your linestage has about 25db of gain, then I think the available 58db setting on the Levinson is a bit too low for best performance with that cartridge.
Thanks to Michael and Twl. I will check the links provided.

I also have an unused passive stepup transformer (cotter I believe) which may plug in to see if I get a better reproduction in terms of dynamics.

Twl: If it is a MC board what I have in the 26, then it would be a 38dB gain setting, which is not in the 25dB you mention but closer to the 58dB if it is a MM board.
