No. 26 - MM or MC board?

Hi - I am trying a ML 26 preamp w/phono stage in my system, (Denon 103R cart.). I set the gain internal switch to 58dB or 38db and cartridge gain to 100 Ohms which I beleive is the recommended load for the Denon (instruction come in Japanesse so I can´t tell).

The point is that eventhough sound level is acceptable at the 1 o´clock position in the volume knob, there is not enough dynamics compared to the line level input (CDP in this case) and far from my previous Michael Yee phono preamp signal.

Could it be that this particular No. 26 has a MM board?
The 100 ohm setting is wrong for the Danon 103r?

Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge here.

Dear Fernando: One of the issues for to have a good quality sound reproduction analog system is to make the less possible mistakes in the audio chain.

Twl told us:**** " The DL103R is an excellent cartridge for the money..."*****, well the Dynavector XV-1 is an exellent cartridge for the money, too. That sentence don't means anything about quality sound reproduction.

For me the 103R is a big mistake for start to build an analog system ( but if you like the 250.00 sound, is up to you ). The ML 26 is another one and if you are thinking of use a step up transformer, then you are commited not only one but three mistakes on a row. So, you will have a heavy degraded sound reproduction of your beloved music.

My advise is that first than all you have to define your targets on the quality sound reproduction of your analog audio system. You have to know what you want.

Think about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul - I would love to go for something better and more expensive, but to my ears this preamp (ML 26) sounds very nice with my current setup, at my room and with my music. This is a never-ending story of buy-sell-buy iterations.

To move to this preamp will have a marginal cost and a large sonic benefit (for the line stage side), the analog section has a nice presentation, very musical as well.

As for the cartirdge, you know I have had larger and more expensive ones (VdH, Cardas, etc..) my current financial situation asks me to look for a wise investment, the Denon has fullfilled that expectation.

Sure, next step will surely be a better preamp (First Sound, CAT to name just two) and a better cartridge (Shelter, Benz for example).

At this time, I just want to have my current setup in optimal settings.

Dear Fernando: You already have what you can. Great, no problem at all.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Fernando: Reading again your last post, I can see that you really like the ML 26 and this fact is the important point not what I think about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Diggin´deeper in this issue, it looks like this No 26 does have a MM board. So my choices are:

1.- Install my Cotter step-up to the Denon and try from there, or

2.- Get a new MM cartridge (I read that the Music Maker cart is pretty impresive)

What do you (all) think?
