WEL -- Wife Equivalent Language

All in the name of fun...

Let's agree, for sake of argument, that our hobby is 100% meritorious and therefore deserving of it's central role in our family spending patterns (both in terms of time and money)! Afterall, it's a gospel truth - we know it and can feel it deep in our hearts - hallelujha - that the world revolves around sound, and there is no sweeter sound than the one produced by our latest tweek.

Yet, try as we may to convince her, she just doesn't seem to get it. Communication is the key! Yes, it's the key to maintaining that healthy balance between our love for her and our love to hear (those sweet sounds that matter little to her ear). In this regard, I'd be interested in knowing what your favorite WEL buzz terms (and other WEL expressions) are when discussing all things audio with her. Here are some of my favorites:

Cables and interconnects - "wires and plugs"
Line conditioner (especially an expensive one) - "power box"
Electrostatic transducer - "sound radiator"

I'm still working on a WEL term that will explain the check I just wrote for my new DAC...
Your prelate's ex usually spoke of "that THING in the other room" as though it had a life of its own.

When she felt I was getting too hifalutin, she would affect a British accent and talk about "vahlve ahmplifiers" and faceplates made of "meticulously hand-machined alyouminium" and power cords connected to the "mains supply."

Come to think of it, I don't miss that sarcasm.

Oh my God guys, IT HAPPENED!!! I caught her listening to a CD red handed! She was actually enjoying it too. Her response:
Well....I like that song.... WEL translation: Holy sh** that sounds good, but if I tell YOU that you'll just go out and buy more f***ing stereo gear. Stand fast boys, there may be hope yet!

George, I can feel your pain. For Mother's Day, I had to buy her the latest Celine Doin CD! It reminded me of the first time I had to buy tampons for her! "Oh no, it's not for me... I don't listen to this..."

In fact, I'm always teasing her about her musical taste which ventures all the way from from solo famale vocalists to... WEL, solo female vocalists. And speaking of Celine, I do love that song from Titanic, especially when she goes into the extended "Neeeeeeeeeear, Faaaaaaaaaar" bit. It reminds me of Grover from Sesame Street when he schuffles up to the front of the screen and says, "Neeeeeeeeeeeeear" and then schuffles to the back, almost out of sight of the camera, and says, Faaaaaaaaaaaaaar" She even laughs about it now!
mocking your wife's musical taste is hardly a way to win her over...encourage every sign of life and suppress your true feelings, I think you will get a little further a little faster…find things to like and encourage every nuance she notices….try to find something you like too about her music and share them with her…Ok I am going to admit it but I like Titanic, I am normally a big Jazz/Blues fan with hard rock roots but I dig the emotion of the music in Titanic. Plus Titanic is one of my reference CD’s for finding out just what kind of deep slam a piece of equipment has (along with a Boys to Men, Bella Fleck, Aria 2, Foreplay, and Jennifer Warnes)…there is something good in all music

That was funny because it is soooo true to life. You know that your wife is right, if she did encourage you in ANY way you'd go on a conscious free buying spree...I know I would. I am still waiting for the day, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting….you get the idea.

Be carful with that new celine dion cd, DO NOT play it in your computer!! there is a warning right on the cd itself and the cover expressing this. It causes the computer to crash, no loss of memory but some problems including in some cases not allowing the cd to be removed from the drive. I am not kidding either it is Sony's attempt at reducing unlicensed copies from being made, I will not support this act in any way shape or form. I don't own any cdr's or any form of copied music, and I don't believe in it so it doesn't hurt me(in particular with Ms. Dion's music-not a big fan :) but I do from time to time listen to music through my computer, so it does effect me. Also there are some concerns with the quality of the recording being comprimised when this sort of encoding is introduced. Well I guess I am just saying be carful with where you play that particular cd. ~Tim