Buy a hi-end CD player/transport now?

Thinking about buying a hi-end CD player/transport such as CARY 306 or the like. I'm wondering about waiting for some hi-end CD/DVD players that will support SACD/DVD-audio as well. One of those formats will eventually win out. The mass merchandise guys already have these all-purpose players so it's only a matter of time for Meridian, Cary...etc, right?

I'm concerend about spending $$$ now for a CD player only to find the other formats come to be and then having to buy another unit.

What do you think?
Look, folks, this alleged format war is getting tiresome. I agree with most everyone's comments regarding the lack of titles, etc. Bottom line is that HDCD is on a par with SACD/DVD-A, you don't need to buy an expensive new player geared towards a questionable format, you won't have to chuck existing CDs to replace 'em with a new format, and there are tons of HDCD titles available NOW. Also, with the backing of Microsoft (which bought Pacific Microsonics - the patent holder of HDCD), you can be certain that Mr. Gates and Co. will do what it takes to make HDCD THE format of choice.

My advice is to get the BEST redbook player you can (preferably with a HDCD chip) and let 'er rip! I just ought a Cary 303/200 and it sounds awesome. Everything is sounding wonderful and I'm not losing any sleep over the format war. Let 'em kill each other. I can listen and rest easy knowing that I'm a non-combatant.
rlb61, i pretty-much agree w/what you're saying, tho i don't have 1st-hand experience w/hdcd. only thing i have a small disagreement about, is how much money is needed to spend to get the most out of a basically flawed format... ;~)

doug s., happily on the sidelines, too! :>)

Yes. After much trepidation, I can't imagine NOT having my EMC-1 MkII! Cheap? No, but it'll be a long-term friend.
Subaruguru, finaly had Jcbtubes put in the new mod. Have only listened to it for 10 or 12 hours. I have so much going on in my system, I don't no whats doing what. With all the new stuff I am breaking in, Can't tell what the improvements are. I can say this, It obliterated the Res Audio CD-50.
Sedond my ol' friend, I can't blame you a bit for your opinions on the Res-50 vs the Art di/o. I also agree.

Rlb61, I agree with much you have said. But HDCD doesn't alway's sound as good as one of my middle of the road CDs. Just because it says SACD, don't mean it is anything special.

Sedond, your opinions on digital shouldn't count, your a vinyl man. Sedond the vinyl man, I bet, has the best sound on this thread. Except for maybe a few other TT guys on this thread. If I owned Sedond's TT setup, I wouldn't put much $$$ into digital either. Sedond, do you ever get so angry with all the tweaking on the TT, that you just want to throw it in the gabage? The TT nearly sent me to the nut house. Always adjusting azmuth, VTA, wondering if my belt was too tight or too lose. Started adjusting VTA for every album. I really miss the old TT, but I think if I gave it another try, it would send me to a rubber room in a straight jacket. If I remember right, you have the Oracle. What arm, cartridge, phono amp, and what is it sitting on? I have a bunch of new Dylan albums I am dying to hear.