MG-1 Air Bearing Tonearm? Anyone experience it?

This tonearm perked my interest because of its relatively low price, considering it's an air-bearing arm. Does anyone have experience with this arm? I have an OL Silver right now, and am curious if this would offer improvements. Has anyone else tried it?
Only one way to find out, and that's try it.
Very good point that the pump costs extra.

Sean is correct about my arm experiences. I've avoided linear trackers because of the air pump issues. Although I hear them on other people's systems, I don't use them on mine.

It's not that I don't like the idea of linear tracking, I do. But I have high humidity levels here, and the pumps, dryers, and me being on solar power don't lend themselves to that type of arm for my application.

I'm very interested in hearing from whichever "guinea pig" tries it out. It might actually be ok.
One of the guys on the Teres forum has one, and says it compares favorably to his ET2. I'm going to try and get him to elaborate a little!
Well, I took the plunge and purchased this thing - my curiosity got the better of me. I don't have any experience with a tonearm like this, so fingers crossed I can get it up and running OK. I'll report my findings.
let us know your results, I have been thinking the same thoughts about that arm.
I am thinking of ordering one, too, once your findings are posted as I require a new tonearm.