Michell Gyro SE...Light or Heavy style Clamp??

Just wondering which clamp you cats are using with your Michell Gyro TT. I am considering getting a heavy weight clamp for mine. Is this a BAD idea?

With the Michell designed clamp, you must stop the TT to flip the record...which is a P-I-T-A!

Any other record clamp recommendations? Thanks a bunch!
I would use the lightweigth Michell clamp and just stop the platter. It's just a single button. BTW, would removing the record when the platter is scuffing increase the chances of scuffing or otherwise damaging the record? What a P-I-T-A that must be to risk that. :-)
The first time the record slipped and the spinning platter tossed it into the tone arm was the last time I changed a record without turning the TT off.
As a rule, suspended tables take lightweight clamps because a heavy clamp would throw the suspension off.

The reason to use a heavy clamp (on an appropriate table) is not to change sides without stopping the platter. It's for superior vinyl/platter coupling and resonance control.

If you insist on the obviously risky practice of changing sides with a spinning platter, get a clampless table with a soft matt, like an LP12 or something. I still wouldn't do it myself. The_smokester's scenario is too scary and I'm a klutz, but YMMV.
Hi, I've been wanting to start a thread but since this is here. I have two Gyrodec questions, I just got one a couple of months ago.

First do you use that little felt washer that's supposed to go on the spindle between the platter and the record? Because when I do it seems to keep a lot of records from lying flat on the platter. I think I'm using the lightweight clamp.

Second, does your dc motor make any noise at all? That was the main reason for upgrading my old table (motor problem & then motor noise). At my dealer both the Tecno and the Gyro seemed absolutely silent but now at home I am getting a very tiny bit of noise from the dc motor.
