GRANITE 657 CDP anybody heard it?

can find almost zero reviews on this tubed + ss CDP. can you tell me what was the associated equipment when heard. as well which other cdp compare or which cdp produces the best dynamic range for around $2500 (used or new) the granite has a separate volume control which to me is a plus i plan to use amp. + cdp. later on will add pre.
I had considered the 650 prior to the intro of the 657. I also ran into the same problem of not enough info (reviews)to go on. I am glad to hear of Racer's positive experience. The biggest reason I did not audition the Granite was the lack of controls on the unit. It may look good without controls but I would like the flexability of having them in case somrthing happens to the remote. My experience is that remotes usually give out before the component. Another consideration is what happens if the company goes out of business and the remote goes bad. Can you find a universal remote that will operate a Granite cdp? I don't think so. I don't mean to rain on anyones parade but I am skeptical of this approach

just want to let everyone know that we have tested everal universal remotes with the granite audio cd players and yes they work fine ....have a customer who is using his dennon universal remote for his reciever..dvd..and granite audio cd player

Good listening
Quest For sound
Stephen> I was hoping someone in the know would address this issue. It is a pleasant surprise and welcomed information.
I have personally heard the Granite 650 in Stephen's home. Related components were Granite monoblocks(with KT88 output tubes), Sunfire preamp(HT, I believe), and Osborn Eclipse(I think) loudspeakers.

It was a very musical player. I would agree with the assessment that the sound can be characterized as warm and forgiving, as opposed to analytical and detailed. I give it about as high a grade as it gets. In my opinion, this is what most people who are searching for an analog sounding player are in the market for.

At the time, he informed me about the upcoming(657). Tube output, and what we believed would be upsampling to 24 bits(it is actually 20). The price turned out to be higher than I anticipated, although still cheaper some of the competition.

As I have not auditioned it, I am obviously not certain of the level of improvement the 657 offers. However, based on my experience with the 650, and the extra development put in by this fine company, I would expect big things. As it is, I definitely recommend either player.

I do believe that if the statement above regarding that they are basically the same player, with the 657 incorporating a tube output stage, it would increase my need to audition the two against each other. If this is in fact the case, a question of value would arise. To the best of my understanding(please correct me if I am wrong), if an external DAC(very common as the technology moves forward, as we all know) was employed, a tube output in this type of player is bypassed, possibly mitigating what the increased cost of the circuit offers. Of course, as in any audio purchase, a careful audition can never be replaced.

Back to my impressions... Unlike the Rega Planet/Planet 2000, the Granite does not slow down or thicken the sound. I have been been around the Electrocompaniet CD player a good bit, and listened to the Audio Aero Capitole at NY HiFi 2001. Both of these players also give the type of sound that we have all been hoping for from the digital medium. I put the Granite 650 in the same boat. No, I have never A/B'd any of these players, but all three could make it into my system any day.

Give the #657 an audition, I feel it is in an entirely different league than the #650 that you need to re-audition it. I listened to the output stage for the #650 just for fun one day, and I quickly switched back. The difference is that dramatic, and I'm not saying that the #650 doesn't sound good. However, the difference in sound is so substantial that I now understand why there is a price difference between the two players.

I completely agree with the sentiments that the Granite Audio CD player is warm and forgiving, but not slow. Nothing bright or analytical sounding about it. Very much analog lover's CD player. It blends in well with the rest of my system.
