Which is a good $500 cable for bass biamping ?

I am vertically biamping my Snell B's with 2 CJ 2500"A" amps.The top is Straightwire Crescendo.My budget currently is very low and i have about $500 to spend on cables for bass section.,Have currently 2 cables to pump bass:Kimber Bifocal XL and AQ Midnight and not satisfied with their performance in the bass region(though Kimbers were great when i used them in biwiring configuration)
I would appreciate your resposes.
Althigh I did not like this cable "overall" in my system, I never heard a cable control the woofers in my Legacy speakers like the Acoustic Zen Satori.
Try Audioquest Sterling for your bass section...amazing control, definition and weight.
Try to find Tara Labs--master reference-- The first gen is kinda like a saw blade in 'bend-ability'; but besides being cheap it is great in this area.