If you sell CD-player you will break the main -- music!!!
You should definitely downsize your preamp for the simplier model or integrated instead of separates.
As far as I know you can use passive preamp(something like Pass Aleph P or even cheaper McCormack Line Drive) instead.
For integrated the good choice will be Pathos Twin Towers(used) or if you want to drive harder you can get Plinius 8100.
It would be definitely a major heartbreak if you start thinking of downsizing speakers...
You should definitely downsize your preamp for the simplier model or integrated instead of separates.
As far as I know you can use passive preamp(something like Pass Aleph P or even cheaper McCormack Line Drive) instead.
For integrated the good choice will be Pathos Twin Towers(used) or if you want to drive harder you can get Plinius 8100.
It would be definitely a major heartbreak if you start thinking of downsizing speakers...