How long does a stylus last?

I'm thinking of buying a good cartridge; Koetsu or the like but I need to buy used to afford one.
How many hours on a cartridge is too many hours. Does this vary from brand to brand?

The tips are diamond, very very hard,
But even they wear in soft vinyl with time.

A clean record, and cleaned stylus help preserve the tip.
I can get in excess of 10 years out of tips on my deck, but I use a Keith Monks machine.

I suspect that the VPI would give acceptable results as well. Even the lowly disc washer is a help.

Last don't forget stylus pressure, more is less time, and handling. NO cartridge takes rough handling well, dropping the stylus tip into records, side skates, etc. all can shorten it's life.

Hope that helps.

Though I don't have a cleaning machine, I usually use the Premier LP cleaner and dry brush method,Last stylus cleaner and Zerostat before each play. I found the Zerodust doesn't work all that well. More offensive records get hand cleaned with Record Doctor fluids and brushes.
Re: ZYX, I have read here:
how good these are so maybe I will hold out for one.
Nowadays, does anyone ever use a microscope to examine a stylus? I recall pictures of diamond stylii with a couple of hundred hours on them showing obvious wear. Perhaps the line contact stylus wears less, but by the same token would degrade more with wear. 1000 hours used to be considered a reasonable maximum.
I would highly recommend that you clean every record with Disc Doctor, RRL or Audio Intelligent cleaning fluids with either Disc Doctor or Last brushes and a good record cleaning machine like the VPI or Loricraft(this one is great but quite expensive).
Every record even brand new LP's have the mold release compound on them left from the manufacturing process.
I would not think of playing a record regardless of how good it looks (even if brand new) on the surface without giving it a thorough cleaning. Playing clean records will definitely extend your stylus life.
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