How long does a stylus last?

I'm thinking of buying a good cartridge; Koetsu or the like but I need to buy used to afford one.
How many hours on a cartridge is too many hours. Does this vary from brand to brand?

If only I kept a cartridge long enough to wear it out. I get itchy feet after a year and want to move on, but my latest is a koetsu Rosewood Signature, so hopefully as some of the respondents intimated, I've reached my destination. Good advise though on the central importance of record cleaning.
Sorry, but you don't get to rest here. You need to get the Koetsu Signature Rosewood Platinum.
I had a Transfiguration Temper,that gave me ,believe it or not,eight years before upgrading to the Temper-v.Not too much degradation either,although I have been fanatical about proper cartridge maintenance.Meaning CLEAN stylus every 2 or 3 sides,and after every listening session.As well as cartridge BOTTOM(for dust).Also,obviously,keep covered,when not in use.I also have a dedicated room,that I control humidity,and temperature in.
Larry,an update for you.Last Saturday,finally got my updated SOTA COSMOS back.WHEW,3 1/2 hrs setting it up!Then off to dinner,exhausted.Came home 11:30pm,and had to give a listen.Lasted until 4:00 am.I must say a couple of things,hey I deserve to bloviate a bit,since as you know,I've been down all winter.

First,Kirk,owner of SOTA,really pulled out all the stops on the table.FLAWLESS job,and STUNNING SOUND.As to the Symposium shelf,under the table,that you got me worried about,thankfully the table LOVES this support.I really deserve this lucky break,after the long wait.

Without resorting to the typical rationalizing of one's own set-up,all I can say is I have never been happy with the instrumental TIMBRES from my analog rig(though my Levinson 390-s CD player,though limited,compared to vinyl,has been just fine,for digital).I still have a bit of tweaking,vta/downforce,to do,but the overall impression I'm getting is so much better than I've had before.To me timbre is the hardest aspect of sound to get.Too many Philes are happy with bass/dynamics and splitting plaster to realize that it is the timbres of instruments that need the most attention.Just some thoughts.Thought you'd be interested.

As a sidebar,let me recommend a FABULOUS disc,that was one of the first to go on the table,Saturday.First time I heard it on my own set-up,since I have been after it for about 4 years.It was given to me by my pal YODA,last week.It is a DG pressing of RUSSO's STREET MUSIC.The other side is the Rhapsody In Blue by Gershwin.The Street Music side is the real GRABBER,with a FLOATING harmonica and bluesy, percussively dynamic orchestral music that is a superb demo disc,though to hear it at 4 am,sort of was sobering.Anyway,hope all is well.Say hello to Doug,for me.
I sent my Grado Reference (the $1200 one) to Grado for a rebuild after using for 7 years. They sent it back saying it was perfect! I do clean my records using a Nitty Gritty and use Last #4 cleaner. This is not typical for my use as cartridges rarely last more than 1000 hours or a year. Nice to know Grado will check out the cartridges, though.
Big Congrats on getting your SOTA back. You must be one happy camper. I am delighted that the Symposium Ultra shelf is working well under the SOTA.
If you ever get a chance, try using a set of Symposium's Rollerblocks under the SOTA and on top of the Ultra shelf. It might take you to an even better place. Best to borrow a pair. If you can't find any to borrow, let me know and I will lend a pair to you for a test drive.