Pass Lab X1 and X250 - Which XLR?

I've got a new amp and preamp headed my way as we speak and need help finding decent "starter" balanced interconnects. Due to the $$$ I just laid out, I would like to ease into the world of balanced cables with something good but affordable (under $500/pair?) with the idea of upgrading at a later date.

Speakers are Genesis V - front end to be determined...

Acoustic Zen silver ref. I have the pass X250 and a pass d-1 dac with the AZ and they are by far the most open and detailed cables I have used so far. I do have a 1 meter set on agon now below your price range I move my set up and needed a longer pair. If interested let me know.
You might want to give Discovery Essence a try. Discovery has always used Pass equipment at CES and the combo sounds and works very well together.
on my system Audience AU24 are great ICs with superb detail and a forward image with a great bass that is not heavy but instead involving and natural with nice skin effects on drums etc. Also their detail is not bright or etched in the slightest. A really great IC for less than $500 XLR.
The AZ Sil Ref MKI or MKII are the way to go, I own the X-1 and X-250 right now and use the AZ cables, for the used prices, nothing beats them.

Happy Listening