Sagging power cable at IEC outlet - any remedies?

My power amp has its IEC outlet going into the back flat, and every cord I have tried including the light stock cord sag from the cords weight behind the amp. So in all likelihood the connection isn't as strong as it should be. I know connection strength matters at the other end of the cord going in to the wall outlet, is it the same here?

For others suffering from this problem have you found a way to prevent the cord sagging out?
I've tested several batches of Schurter and Wattgate IEC320s. The Wattgates have an average separation force of 16 pounds; the Schurter only 4 lbs. I use the Schurter for lighter-weight PCs for source components, but the WattGates for heavier PCs for amps, etc., or as an upgrade. Ern
Get rid of the connector. Power cords should be hard soldered, to the transformer primary unless there is a power switch.

By the way, a little sag might actually improve contact. Isn't that what we do with a lamp plug when it doesn't work?
Electrical tape works, but 3/4" heat shrink sold at most hardware store is better and cleaner. Depending on the
gap between the plug and IEC outlet, a second layer might be needed.
I prefer the little plastic tripod that comes in pizza boxes to prevent the top cover from touching the surface of the pie. Chop down the legs, and slide under. Cheap (free), efficient and unobtrusive without altering the PC. Of course, my IEC is near the bottom of the chassis - if you are up higher, I suppose the suggestion is moot. Good listening,

Richard , thats actually pretty funny and innovative, and Im not usually a worry wart when it comes to such things, however since it is right near the inlet , I would not want to use any material that is flammable.