Sagging power cable at IEC outlet - any remedies?

My power amp has its IEC outlet going into the back flat, and every cord I have tried including the light stock cord sag from the cords weight behind the amp. So in all likelihood the connection isn't as strong as it should be. I know connection strength matters at the other end of the cord going in to the wall outlet, is it the same here?

For others suffering from this problem have you found a way to prevent the cord sagging out?
I measured and cut some wood blocks for under the connectors of my geat.

I also like the Lego idea!
What I did was glue a piece of plastic (the thickness of a piece of a cd jewel case) to the top of the plug. This created a snug fit and stopped the sagging. However, for added assurance I then used a strong rubber band and affixed it to the top of the handle I have on the rare of the amp. This has worked fine over the years. OBTW, thess are all things I had laying around the house.

Good luck with your solution,