Graham tonearm tweaking

I have recently finished my Teres turntable project. I purchased a used Graham 2.0 for it, and installed my Clearaudio Discovery cartridge last weekend.

My question is, I have been reading the forums here regarding the damping levels on this arm. Could someone who has experience with this outline the method that they use to tweak the level to suit the cartridge? Please go into detail as to what you are listening for at each stage of the adjustments. Do you key in on the bass, or listen for treble?

I am looking forward to finetuning this arm and want to put in the effort needed to get it to its best sound.

Thanks guys, Brad.
Goodbye sirspeedy, your work here is done. It’s been great knowin'ya. Seriously though, I'm working a document called Setting Up The Graham Tonearm. Copying the vital pieces from this and other discussion threads and pasting them in one cohesive word document. I'll refer to it frequently in the upcoming months.
I certainly wasn't trying to argue, but I wasn't offering an opinion either. Unlike many things in audio, thread pitch is easily measured. 0.7mm per turn is more resolving than 1.0mm per turn. Opinion really doesn't enter into it. (Now I'm arguing!)

I agree about the "slop" in the TriPlanar's VTA threads of course. To use that adjustment consistently one must bring the tower up to the desired position by at least 1/4 turn or so. Doing this allows the weight of the arm to take up the slop, which is easy to feel. Tighter threads would be better. Perhaps that's what you meant when you said the Graham's VTA adjustment was more resolving.

Many thanks again for posting your breakthrough results. Damping the Graham effectively is so critical that every owner owes you big time.

Are you going to post your document? I'm actually working on something similar for the TriPlanar. There are a number of things a user needs to know that aren't in the TriPlanar manual, just as a good explanation of damping is not provided in the Graham manual.

I can't imagine why you'd object, but I do in fact listen with closed eyes at live concerts. All the time. I'd better stop doing that or I'll never see you coming!
Jeff ss, I would be interested in a copy of the article you are putting together for the Graham tonearm. Let me know how to get a copy of it.

Doug,I never took any of your,useful and educated comments as argumentative.I was very happy with my Triplaner,but,found the Graham a better match for my table.This had more to do with the fact that in order for the Wheaton to fit my arm's mounting area,and to fascilitate the "DOWNWARD" pitch of my arm,with respect to my Transfiguration Temper V's excessive vta "backslope" I needed a spacer between the cartridge and the headshell.You could imagine how pissed off I was at my dealer for not realizing this.Especially when I asked him to check this out.

That being said,who cares if I have to move the "FRIGGIN" Graham adjustment a little more than the Triplaner?It's still "dead accurate".It is supposed to be a more finer pitch than other arms,so what?They are all(other arms as well)capable of this level of adjustability.At least those I've seen.Gives new meaning to the term "Let your fingers do the walking"!!Who even thinks about stuff like "thread pitch" when you can still get the desired result?

By the way,I ALWAYS close my eyes(AT TIMES) whether listening "LIVE" or to my own set-up.I'll bet Raul has too!!!

Please take ANY comments that may seem confrontational as "SIMPLY" comments I'd make to a "Friend" during a listening session!!BOY,you would not believe some of the "REALLY HEATED"audio debates that constantly break out in my listening group,and not from me.I'm too busy ducking.I LOVE it,though!!! order for the Wheaton to fit my arm's mounting area,and to fascilitate the "DOWNWARD" pitch of my arm,with respect to my Transfiguration Temper V's excessive vta "backslope" I needed a spacer between the cartridge and the headshell.You could imagine how pissed off I was at my dealer for not realizing this.Especially when I asked him to check this out.
Now that IS annoying.

I forget where you're located, except I know it's not FL (yet). If it's near central CT let me know. If you or your friends are nearby I could certainly bring my UNIverse over for a listening session some day. We can both close our eyes and neither of us need get heated up about anything!