Thanks for the comments,so far.As for me,I'm "FAR" from a genious,and think that for the 3200 clams that this arm commands,and for the fact that this arm has been featured in the "Analog Corner" column for over 4 years(by a reviewer that passes himself off as an expert of experts)we "the consumer" deserve alot more.I "DO NOT BELIEVE"that I am the discoverer of some secret here.There are "PLENTY" of hard core critical listeners out there.I've met a ton.I'm sure that there are those that have figured this all out.Don't give the press such a free pass here(not that we can really do anything about it,though).
I guess many of you just don't remember the days when magazine like "TAS" REALLY were "TAS LIKE".This would have been covered there.There is NO excuse to accept the fact that there is a point of "Mere Acceptability" with regards to getting the best possible sound from something costing so much!There is a HUGE difference in performance from this arm,between just OK and SPOT ON.
This takes me back to my original comments that unless "WE" as hobbyists start to hear some other "HOBBYIST OWNED" set-ups that are truly fine tuned and "RIGHT"(NO bright or overdamped rooms,or rationalizing of weaknesses,which we ALL do)we will "NEVER" know if our own set-ups are "IN the Zone",for lack of any useful comparison(not "live" music,since it cannot be reproduced effectively)."Eyes OPENED OR CLOSED"!!!
If I had not been privy to my (FANATICAL) friend's system,I would,to this day,be as happy as a lark with my arm setup,thinking the slight grainyness(compared to the Air Tangent)was line noise,or Transistor noise,or tube noise,or my cartridge etc.You get my point.
To anyone less critical,I'm just a critical bloviator.To all else,we have a TON of money invested in our stuff,and deserve a little attention to detail!!YES,Salvatore is "MY HERO"!!The poor guy!!!So alone,is he!!!