Need better sound from my records, where to start?

I'm disappointed with the sound quality I'm getting from my current analog setup, and would appreciate some input on where to start making it better. I currently have a Music Hall MMF-2 turntable with an ortofon om 3e cartridge. I have an NAD PP-1 phono pre-amp feeding into my main system. My listening is almost exclusively with headphones through a tube headphone amp. The majority of my albums are bought used, in moderate to good condition. The problems I'm having are with excessive surface noise, and a slight breaking up of high frequencies.

My feeling is that I should go to a better cartridge first, along with the proper set-up tools, and an allsop oribitrac cleaner. Does that make the most sense? I was thinking of either the Shure V15VxMR or a Dynavector 10x5, with the intention that a cartridge in this range could last me through a turntable upgrade, maybe in the next year. Thoughts? Should I go after something other than the cartridge? Spend less on a cartridge? Thanks!
Thanks for the input Psychicanimal. I have a couple hundred albums already, and like to buy albums for a couple of dollars that I'd rather not spend 15 on for cd. At this point, I don't need top of the line for vinyl, because most of my records are in mediocre condition, I just want it to be musical and enjoyable. I might find that this setup is good enough for me for many years, and will have less than $500 into my vinyl setup, including tools and cleaning supplies.
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Given your situation, here's what I would prescribe for maximum enjoyment with minimum expense:

1) Cryoe'd outlet for the system (cheap from Ven Haus Audio).

2) Used 3 ampere ONEAC isolation transformer/filter from eBay ($15-30) for the NAD ( everything inside cleaned w/ contact cleaner ).

3) DIY isolation base like this one:

4) Highwire Wirewrap for the NAD's power cord ($25).

5) Isolation cones under the NAD (small DH Cones come to mind).

If you do these steps in order you'll be able to hear better and better the improvements as they get subtler. I am working on the noise first so that you can experience what lowering the noise floor does. Then you move on to reducing vibration and you'll be able to hear *that*. Then again work on the electricity and on to vibration again. See the pattern?

The low output MC path is very expensive to implement correctly. I have stayed with moving magnets and high output moving coils. My moving magnet is a modified Stanton integrated headshell cartridge which happens to have the midrange of a $1500 moving coil! It can be done on a budget.

With psychic power and primal intensity,
Well I had originally ordered a 440ml from the Needle Doctor, but after waiting a week without hearing anything from them, I called to find that it was on indefinite backorder. Some searching around yielded the same response from other retailers. I cancelled my order from them because I found the Shure v15mxr from for $210. I couldn't pass it up at that price. I also ordered an alignment protractor from turntable basics, and a stylus force gauge and some cleaning supplies from the Needle Doctor. (As an aside, I found that my previous cartridge, set with the built in gauge, was off by 3/4 of a gram!!) Anyhow, the results:

Wow! So THIS is why vinyl is still alive and well. Surface noise is all but eliminated on my best albums, and even those that were virtually unlistenable on my previous setup sound marvelous now. On many of my records, even though there are a fair number of pops and clicks still audible, there is just so much more MUSIC coming from the album that I hardly even notice the surface noise. I can't stop listening to vinyl now. I own just a couple of albums on both cd and vinyl, but even on this modest setup, the vinyl just wastes my NAD c542 cd player. Unfortunately for my wallet, this cartridge has already revealed the limitations of my turntable and arm. Motor and groove noise are now apparent between tracks or occasionally during soft passages. I guess a turntable upgrade may be in my future. But not before a lot more vinyl!