What's wrong with classical music on vinyl?

As I go through my collection of classical music on vinyl, and get new ones from record stores and eBay, I notice that I am not impressed with the sound quality. Most of my pop music albums sound fine. The classical (even sealed), on the other hand, sounds full of static, noise, and pops that completely drown out the music. The rubber surrounds on my woofers ripple visibly, and the more intense passages become distorted (particulary the brass instruments). (And yes, I've tried it with minimal volume, to test the feedback theory, and with the same results.) I've tried extensive record cleaning with some of the most recommended products. On the other hand, my non-classical music sounds fine. Madonna, Yes, and Simon and Garfunkel play fine. So do Crosby Stills + Nash, REM, and Nickelback.

The only thing I can think of is that the classical music tends to be recorded at a much lower volume, thereby causing a low signal to noise ratio, whereas the pop music is inherently recorded at a higher volume, and this helps to drown out the noise.

I'm beginning to think that I should stick to CD's or brand-new 200g LP's for classical music from here on.

Any comments/suggestions?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsufentanil
Eldartford: Please come to my house. I have several frequent flyer tickets. Free trip for you. Bring any measuring equipment you want. Anytime you care to show up is fine with me.

Listen to my digital setup. Then listen to my vinyl setup. Your ears will tell you. Listen for noise, then listen for music.

A friend of mine said it best yesterday, this is like saying you don't like driving a Ferrari because the ride is little rough...who cares...everything else is AMAZING.
my 2cents worth--

most people start buying (used) classical music by the state of the vinyl. The cleaner the copy, the better, is the starting reference point.

Totally wrong, IMHO. Those records s**k, because the previous owner didn't like it and NEVER LISTENED TO IT. Get the classical records that look like they've had a long, happy, busy life.

Listen to it, get past the surface noise, etc. and if you like the music, find the same LP in better shape.
Sufentanil ,

I listen to classical 95% of the time, every sub-genre imaginable from pre-Gregorian chant to avant-garde 20th C. and everything in between. About 2,000 LP's in all, 500 bought new in the 1970's-80's, the remainder bought new and used in the past two years.

I had several 1970's low/mid-fi rigs and for the last two years a pretty high end new rig, not quite at the level of Rushton's or Albert's Walkers but fairly close.

The mid-fi rigs, without exception, made surface noise noticeable. That was the major reason I fell into the CD wasteland for 15 years or so.

The new, high end rig renders those noises nearly inaudible. The most common non-musical noise coming from my LP's is tape hiss, which of course would be prevalent on an analog recording no matter what playback medium was used. The noises you complained of rarely exist in my system, with the exception of a few obviously damaged records. When those noises do occur they are infrequent and at such a low level that they are never distracting, at least to us or to any of our visitors.

I fear this experience may confirm something Albert alluded to, that a commitment to a certain level of equipment is necessary. This is especially true for classical, due to the wide dynamic range you've already discussed. Proper cleaning and exacting setup are also essential, as others have emphasized.

At a guess, the lowest level TT/arm/cartridge that might satisfy you in respect of noise would probably retail (new) for $2000 or so. Better phono stages can also make a significant contribution to noise reduction, since lower quality circuits are more easily overloaded by the sharp transients typical of most such noise.

This may not be what you want to hear of course. It may even be wrong! Cello's suggestion of listening to some of your records on a better system would be an easy way to find out. Take one or two of those new audiophile releases along also. That will tell you a great deal about how much is vinyl vs. how much is your system.
Well Eldartford, unless your afraid that you might have to admit that the music is better and WORKS pretty much noise in LP playback, you now have a challenge by way of access to a free plane ride to listen to another members system.

Or would you prefer to spew your usual technical stuff that has no foundation based on real experience?

You are so afraid that you might have to admit your wrong, likely from working in your "technical" field, you fight this format tooth and nail.

Too bad you can't let go and enjoy both, or at the very least, leave those of us alone that have worked with analog and achieved success.
Just my own opinion here,obviously.I have both, an analog and digital set-up.Decent enough stuff.Levinson 390s,and SOTA COSMOS series III/Graham 2.2/Transfiguration Temper-v.I DO have an extensive collectio of both Analog(Early Deccas,EMI,RCA's,Lyrita).I have my digital for the stuff that is NEW.Music is the first priority.Albert has very valid points!I have seldom heard the variety of annoying areas in my analog collection.My series of NONESUCH Avante Garde discs are dead quiet,with superb dynamic range.My digital always has that characteristic of low noise,quiet backgrounds and all other characteristics, that the medium offers(I'm not complaining),but,OVERALL,maybe because I chose my discs carefully,or luck,the vinyl offers a greater sense of reality,TO ME.More REAL information.As to the original question in this thread,I have no other assumption other than to assume there is a problem in set-up,or system.Analog can be Incredible!Digital is fine.I've heard all the latest stuff,by EMM/Wadia/DCS etc.My conclusion(only my opinion)is that,after being a "MUSIC" collector for over 35 years,ANALOG is where the REALISM ENVELOPE is being pushed, the most.Sorry!I'm prepared for the negative comments.To me the WHOLE industry(audio)has moved away from what an old reviewer once said,that I never forgot."It is the ART of music reproduction,in the home".There is no real support structure for the finer points of this anymore.Dealers want to sell the DIGITAL stuff(which is still valid,and fine to me),which is a plug in, and, be happy format.Analog takes some work.Tube rolling.Tweaking in a table and arm.Dialing in a cartridge.A pain in the ass.I LOVE IT!!I love my digital too,but it is my Vinyl that NOURISHES my musical appetite.It just sounds more convincing.To me, what has happened in the hobby is like what you see every year at Christmas time; endless commercials "HAWKING" stuff they want you to think you "should need".Have you ever(once)seen a guy or gal tie a ribbon on a 50,000 dollar car (in the living room,yet).Or,Grandma being pissed off at the family for not getting her a digital camera?The audio industry has gotten "REAL SMART",now "YOUNG PISHERS" who could care less about great music(plenty of classical)or, who never new how to toil (ANALOG)to "DIAL in a DESIRED SOUND" are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.I REALLY have to LAUGH!!!