SACD to Audio Aero Capitol

hello I traded my Kern modified Sony SCD-1 SACD player for a Audio Aero Capitol player has anybody else switched from SACD to a Capitol? Your opinions are appreciated.
I felt the Sony didn't present vocal images fully fleshed out in a 3 dimensional way when playing Red Book disks.
I sold my 777es for an electrocompaniet emc-1 mkII and I am very happy about my decision.
Hi Mejames,

Interesting post. Would you mind offering some more details regarding your experience? For example, did you compare any hi-end redbook DACs with the SCD-1 as a transport to the Capitole? Also, how does SACD on the Sony compare to redbook on the Capitole?
10 days ago i had a shootout between the Capitole and my Marantz SA-1. the Capitole sounded great, but not in the league with sacd on the SA-1.

the sacd was more open, detailed, and natural. voice was more textured and "real" sounding. a piano was more dynamic and "complete". if you were not going back and forth you would not easily realize the differences. but over time the naturalness of sacd comes thru.

my conclusion; even a great cd player like the Capitole falls short of a very good sacd player. the additional resolution of sacd wins every time assuming a sufficiently hi-quality output circut.
to rzado I traded a Wadia 27 digital converter for the modified Sony player, I never had the opportunity to directly compare them A/B. was using the 27 with a Wadia 20 transport I've never used the Sony as a transport only. The Capitol hasn't arrived yet. The problem with SACD is the limited software available for my music taste, there are less than 20 available I like. The differences between Red Book and SACD on the titles I've compared is so minute its barely worth the change. Would switch to SACD if the software I like was readily available example Pink Floyd.