SACD to Audio Aero Capitol

hello I traded my Kern modified Sony SCD-1 SACD player for a Audio Aero Capitol player has anybody else switched from SACD to a Capitol? Your opinions are appreciated.
I felt the Sony didn't present vocal images fully fleshed out in a 3 dimensional way when playing Red Book disks.
Sattothestars, i agree to an extent with your comments. the SA-1 is merely "very good" for cds so i have a Linn CD-12 for my 16/44. i also did a shootout between the CD-12 and the Capitole where i preferred the CD-12, but not by alot. on a previous thread i went into much detail on this event.

i do feel that even sacds not DSD sourced still sound better on my SA-1 than the cds on the Capitole, but the amount of difference is not as consistent.
On SACD sound the Marantz SA-1 is untouchable at that price point. In RedBook CD playback one has to spend Big Bucks to match up the sound of the Marantz SA-1. Use to have the Levinson 31.5 & 30.6 combo (sold it once I heard and bought the Marantz SA-1). Levinson combo plays great Redbook CDs, but could not justify in comparison to the the Marantz SA-1 as playing both formats.

Be happy for today and the future, stick with the Marantz.
IMO, the Marantz SA-1 was no where in the same league as the Goldmund, or the EMC-1. Yes it was broke in. Yes, it was on for several days. Yes, it sat on a neuance board as did the other two. It was not as detailed, transparent, or could it soundstage as well as the other two. It sounded slow, a touch dark, and not nearly as envolving. I was not alone when I did these comparisons. Maybe Jcbtubes would like to jump in this discussion. It was his Marantz SA-1. He couldn't unload it fast enough.
The SA-1 may be just right for some systems. But it sure failed in these two systems.
Keep the Aero Mejames. Just another opinion from another audio enthusiast. I mean no offence to any Marantz SA-1 owners.
Sony have no interest in SACD.They are floating it to be a roadblock to DVD-A.They want to confuse the marketplace.
Hey they and Philips get a royalty on every redbook cd made.Why would they want that to stop.
Brulee, i assume you are referring to 16/44 on the SA-1 and not SACD. i agree that there are now a few cdps like those you mention that are better with 16/44.

i have heard that fully modified SA-1s are much better on 16/44 but i have not personally listened to any.