TG Audio vs Pursang vs Poiema Interconnects

Has anyone compared the following RCA interconnects?

TG Audio HSR
Argent Audio Pursang
Ridge Street Audio Poiema

What differences did you hear?
Okay, I gotta comment....

It's honestly sad people feel the need to disparage boutique cable designers and their customers who enjoy the product (and god forbid, share that enthuiasm). Ridge Street, TG, Wolfe, VH Audio, or any other of this genre of manufacturer do not have the marketing resources to manufacture hype any where near the scale that one observes with the larger companies. Moreover, these companies may - or may not - be able to defend their claims objectivly (with white papers, etc.), but honestly, does that matter?

Does one read or listen to music?

In my eyes, those that feel the need to slight an individual who pursues this *hobby* and the equipment choices they make, or the humble designers who create products which meet those needs, are the true shills.
I'm with Mprime, but I would add how predictably all of these threads dealing with comparisons of cables fail to ever reach a concensus. I doubt if any first poster on such threads can make sense out of the advice he receives other than to say, well I had better listen for myself.

Yes, I know I am suggesting the futility of internet postings of words and opinions about sounds heard.
Well, Mr. Tbg, the problem is that most people lack the conditions for proper evaluation. Under those circumstances, cables which tend to mask and/or flavor will be preferred.

Someone posted above how great "XYZ" cable is (I've never heard it--I don't know). Yet he's using a $4K transport and an $18K DAC with a very basic, entry level type power filter (it is musically bening, though). It's the same filter I recommended to my little sister for her 25W/ch NAD receiver & AIWA changer/Soundstream DAC based audio system. Is this guy hearing his system as it is supposed to perform? Of course not! He's arrived to conclusions without first truly optimizing the potential of his system.

Power, acoustics and vibration control must be addressed before any critical listening takes place.

I, of course, agree. Nevertheless, I do not know what anyone can conclude from such threads. Why do people type rather than listen?