Stereo or Home Theater?

What do Stereo-only people think about Home Theater, and what do Home Theater people think about Stereo-only. I perceive that there is quite a gulf in ideas about proper reproduction between these types. My take is that Home Theater is the new mid-fi, with Video as the centerpiece, and audio going along for the ride. Some think I am anachronist. What do you think?
From my perspective multi-channel material sounds best reproduced in a multi-channel system and Stereo sounds best in a stereo system. But a stereo system can be designed as a subset of a multi-channel system, 'cause conceptually a stereo system is a sub-set of a multi-channel system. I, for example, have a HT amp which allows for 2 channel bypass. It's Bryston. So the CD (and my record deck if I ever get it back) use the bypass stereo mode, the DVD uses the standard multi-channel mode, and the VCR and TV use a simulated multi-channel mode. I've put much more money in the main speakers, and compromized elsewhere.
My System started out as an All Tube 2 channel.Now I have added 2 Tube amps and 2 Tube pre's a center channel speaker and rear speakers for a 5.0 setup.No Sub.I'm setup for Music DVD's,SACD and of course 2 chan.[For 2 chan.Nothing goes through any HT processer.Two totally independant.]Good way to get some use of your older Tube pre amps.I'm sure I don't have the ultimate HT due to Tube amps responding slower than SS amps to fast action scenes,explosions etc.and no sub[I'm not an action movie fan],but The music and dialog sound wonderfull as well as concert DVD's.I am thinking also of trying SS for 3 channels with Tube Preamps.Its a lot of fun experminting and trying new things.This is a great Hobby!Home Theater all MID-FI?I don't think Albert Porter Thinks his HT setup is!JD
Hello there, in my opinion you need two separate system for music and HT. bipolar spreakers work best for HT(the sound stage is more diffuse) look at NHT VT 2.4 they have built in subs, all you will need is a center and a pair of surrounds. I have two seperate systems,
Ht in my leaving room and a 2 channel in a separate room in my house.
This is a great bunch of responses. Everyone seems to respect the fact that these two types of systems are for two different purposes.

As Jdlepera says, my HT setup is not mid fi, but certainly not equally competent on all channels. If I had the space and budget it would be nice to have a really big screen experience along with larger speakers, especially for the dialogue and side channels.

That being said, it's better to enjoy HT with good components, set up within your two channel than loose the opportunity to experience the fun of movies altogether
Apples and Oranges

It has been said before; these are two different mediums.

An audio system is about re-creating music generated in a controlled setting such as a recording studio or a concert hall. The experience is nearly 100% aural (except for those who are sight and / or visually impaired).

Home theatre is about creating a "you are there experience" regarding anything, anywhere. The experience is 50% (or more) visual and 50% (or less) aural (except for those who are sight and / or visually impaired).

The reason I make a big distinction between the two is that I prefer to listen to my audio system with my eyes closed (to reduce visual distractions) and I prefer to keep my eyes open for the home theatre experience.

Happy listening (and viewing)
