TG Audio vs Pursang vs Poiema Interconnects

Has anyone compared the following RCA interconnects?

TG Audio HSR
Argent Audio Pursang
Ridge Street Audio Poiema

What differences did you hear?
Gee, Psychic, I'm truly sorry that my power filter isn't expensive enough. You must know something about the state of the power in my house that I don't.

Frankly, I've heard power conditioners screw things up more often than not, so my philosophy is KISS. The filter I have keeps digital hash out of the main wiring, and it works fine. Certainly well enough to permit comparative evaluations of analog interconnects, even with the amps and preamp plugged straight into the wall! You were saying above that people need to do their own work, trust their own ears, and not to ask for others' opinions or approval. I heartily agree.
Gee, Psychic, I'm truly sorry that my power filter isn't expensive enough. You must know something about the state of the power in my house that I don't.


The *level* of filtration is inadequate. You have stated (and I did before too) the reason why you use it: is musically benign. Equipment as resolving as yours will let you know in a snap if the power filters are messing up--and most DO mess up. The Power Foundation is comprised of just them ACFX coils and capacitors in parallel. It takes more to do the job right--even if the electricity is already 'clean'. AudioPrism knows that. They marketed the filter you own because the real thing was way too costly to manufacture and be profitably marketed ( the infamous T4 ). Even so the T4 is not enough by itself if the power is really nasty. The T4 was marketed as a valid option "even if the power is clean". How so? For a start, the entire chassis is copper--the T4 weighs about 60 lbs.

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I don't have the IC's but I do have TG Audio speaker cables and I can say that they are not bright at all with SS equipment. Great center imaging and bass extension is what I'm hearing with the speaker cables. Can't wait to try the IC's. Their SLVR pc's are wonderful as well