Tube Biasing: do I have to?

Just got new tubes. What should I expect if I do not have them biased? Thank you
Lets not forget that an interest in good equipment has nothing to do with ones ability to hear well.An interest serves a myriad of needs,desires and cravings which have nothing whatsoever to do with the sounds we hear.Thats why the pursuit of wonderful sounds is so individual and so unpredictable.
Judy426>Whoa!! You are kidding right?

Not at all. The built-in distortions of vinyl are so horrible that any slight problems with CDs are rendered meaningless.

The problems with digital are curable, while the problems with vinyl are not.
Skrivis, I don't know if you've experienced a quality vinyl setup, and i realize that everyone hears something different. Theoretically, and using measureable data, what you are saying may be true, but to my ears, vinyl beats the crap out of cd, i don't even listen to my cd gear that much anymore, and i was a cd man for a long time, i guess i just always get curious when someone prefers cd sound, i just wonder why they can't hear what i'm hearing, but to each his own.
I could speculate that you've never heard a quality CD setup. :-)

Euphonic distortions sell an awful lot of equipment, usually at very high prices. Vinyl, moving coil cartridges, 8W SET tube amps, very expensive car speakers masquerading as "full-range" speakers...

Then there are the purely psychosomatic effects of fancy wires and parts. Peter Belt is the logical extension of all of this. :-)
Have you ever had a well put together Viynly system ? If so, what was your set up.
What is your reference for a CD based system (which CD Player, DAC and or Transport) ?