Airtech MG-1 - any experience?

I was exploring Arthur Salvatore's site last night and in the links section came across the Airtech MG-1. It's a linear tracker, sold direct at $299.

Has anyone seen and heard one?

What cartridge are you going to fit to your MG-1 lnoriel2000?

Outlier, thanks for your response. I checked out your skipping thread and couldn't help wondering whether th effective mass of the MG-1 armtube is too low for the Zyx cartridge. The Origine Live is a medium mass design.

I'm off the a high end show in London at the weekend. One of the exhibitors is the importer of the Swedish Opus 3 Cantus parallel tracker - it will be interesting to have a good close look.
Flyingred, thanks for the input on the armtube. You may indeed have a point. I'm really not that savvy about arm/cartridge matching, so you could be right. I wonder if there is anything I can do to resolve that. I wonder would it be possible for Ada to create a medium mass armtube, or would that impact the interaction between the armtube and the air beam...

I have a Denon DL103 which I have on lend to a friend who's awaiting a cartridge purchase. I wonder if that cartridge would track better (I'll check, when I get the cartridge back).

Inoriel - I'll be curious to see how you get on with the MG-1. Let me know if you have any questions. The instructions were a little sketchy, and I feel I've a better handle on optimum setup now then when I started installing. I recommend reading Ada's addition to the 'skipping' thread. His recommendation on how to dial in the levelling of the arm was invaluable. Note you will need a 4mm allen key (not included with arm) to affect the levelling, and a smaller allen key (can't remember the dimension) to allow VTA on the fly. Once you dial in VTA though, it's worth retightening, as the airbeam leveling may change slightly as VTA is changed. It's sort of hard to explain, but once you work through installation, you'll figure it out.
I think you might find the DL-103 even worse, certainly it's a lower compliance cartridge, although in its favor it's heavier (which will increase the effective mass of the arm/cart). Worth a try, as is asking Ada about a higher mass armtube.

After my previous reply, I checked out my theory by looking at Van Den Hul's FAQ and your arm/cart will have a resonant frequency above 20Hz, which means that it will be excited by recorded information on the vinyl.

The reference for the mass/compliance matching is:

You have to scroll down to the bottom of the page. Great FAQ as well!
(Formerly lnoriel)
I've been carefully reading thru Ada's documentation before I commence.

I did find the Allen key adjustements you referred to earlier.

My turntable requires fabrication of another armboard because my current setup is 27mm from the top of the platter. That is outside of his required 18-25mm spec. In addition, I like using an Oracle Isolation mat which raises my platter heighth another 4mm.

So I won't be able begin with the installation until this weekend.

I'll go back to the original thread and look up Ada's responses you mentioned.

Once its on, I'll have to refer back to your tuning recommendations.
Response to Flyingred

I was going to use a Grado Sonata. My current phono pre uses only high output MM Cartridges and I've been using this cartridge for a few months now and I've become accustomed to its sonics. It'll help me compare improvements from my previous setup.

I assume this cartridge body is probably on the heavier side compared to some of the other cartridges mentioned.