My Esoteric K-01 player has just stopped working for the second time.
The transport works, but no audio on any source--no audio on CD and no audio from my server. I will send it back for repair. This is the second time for repairs in two years.

Can anyone recommend a CD/SACD player that is more reliable? I thought the sound of the K-01 was very good; I am happy to consider units that are better sounding and/or more expensive. But reliability is just as important.

I just don't want to deal with the unit going down again. . .
Hunter, i'd strongly consider the Vitus RCD-101 which is $11,500Eur. This player sounds better than the previous Signature Series model (SCD-010) which was awesome! It is made in Denmark (including the modules and boards) & features a heavily modified Sony sacd drive. The industrial design is terrific, and build quality is excellent throughout. Another reason to consider Vitus is solid resale value.
It's a no brainer, get the OPPO 105. Did a back to back last week with the Accuphase, and the OPPO knocked the socks off it. (Magico s5, ASR Emmitter system). It is very hard to beat the OPPO. Plays all sources DVD Audio, Blue ray, SACD, CD. To my mind Accuphase rolled off the top end, and muddied the bass, but had a beautiful midrange. OPPO did it all!!
Get past the lack of hype and "hi-end" price tag and give it an audition .... with an open mind:) ... and make anything you buy clearly beat it. It is my preferred digital source, my analogue front end is Atlas/4point/Clearaudio/Audiaflight.
If I was going for an Oppo 105, i'd wait for a good 2nd hand Modwright Oppo 105 to come up on the 'Gon as you can snap one up pretty cheap & they far exceed the sound of the stock player.