In what laboratory or think-tank...

...was the 1.5 meter length of digital cable established as the optimum length to use between Transport and DAC?

Is this a proven fact or just more cable BS?
I was browsing over at the Empirical Audio web site and, unfortunately, could not find the tech paper about this issue. I did notice that they sell 3 different lengths of digital cables (.5, 1.0 and 2.0 meter).

Respected cable manufacturer, Chris VenHaus, quotes the following on his website: "Optimum length for digital (SPDIF) Interconnects is >1.5 meter!"

Is this length issue only in regards to RCA and not to AES/EBU termination of the coax?

Thanks all for your imput on this topic. I am debating changing from the 1.0 length I have now but, as usual, am a bit skeptic. I use the AZ Mc2 AES/EBU model at present.
It was found that the probability wave collapsed for propogation of electrons in lengths longer or shorter than 1.500000000000000000000000000000000000 meters.
It was not that 1.5 meters in itself was a magic length, but a cable that was longer in length reduced the influence that signal reflections played on the loading characteristics of the source. Sean
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