How long have you had the SAME GEAR?

Just curious....
Not counting Cart.'s and A/D's, how long have you had your same gear?
How often do you change it?
Is there anyone out there with the same system for five years that is happy with it?

How many of you go into high end shops and audition systems that cost 4 or 5 times the retail of your own and think it stinks?
Until the last few months I had the same Naim 42.5/Hicap/110 combo driving Linn Sara's all purchased in 1987. I have a Linn LP 12/Ittok purchased prior to these pieces. After upgrading all the electronics I discovered the Valhalla board was bad in the tt. I upgraded with a new cartridge and the Circus kit. Couldn't be happier except I can't bring myself to list the Naim gear for sale here on Audiogon. My system isn't as whizbang as most I read about here but it is very musical. I have spent 35 years collecting vinyl and have to laugh at the minimal strides hi fidelity has taken in this time. The new stuff is all Linn...Wakonda, Genki, LK 240's. I'm most happy with the increase in power and the convenience of a remote. Hope I keep this stuff as long as the previous pieces. I predict however, that I will try and tweak this system to death due to all the great advice I find here at Audiogon. Very nice bunch of people. If anyone wants to throw a party count me in!
My BEST to all,
Lugnut, I love this phrase from your post: " My system isn't as whizbang as most I read about here but it is very musical. I have spent 35 years collecting vinyl and have to laugh at the minimal strides hi fidelity has taken in this time."

Anyone who cares enough about music to realize what you've stated is way ahead of the game. Much of that vinyl is irreplaceable by now and yet the new gear keeps reinventing itself over and over.

Not to say that great progress has not been made, I just happen to agree that 35 years of vinyl is more valuable than 35 years of swapping gear in frustration.
Albert, I'm so glad you got the intention of my statement. I do love music and would have a more whizbang system if I could afford it AND all my other hobbies. Maybe I should part with the Naim gear and go on a tweak crusade. Once again, this is one fine community!
Indeed, Patrick & Albert: gear may change -- but the music remains.
Patrick, may I graciously offer to help you clean out some of that vinyl :^)
This reminds me of another recent thread where the devil asked us to choose b/ween a giga system system & a mega collection of LPs. Most posters chose the LPs of course.
I have a jbl paragon that i bought new about 30 years ago. I've seen a lot of speakers come & go since then, it has held its value, still sounds musical rather than accurate, and has a high WAF. Unfortunately it requires expensive tube gear to sound its best.