Cartridge for my Linn Sondek LP12?

My Linn K9 cartridge has bit the dust, and I am taking this chance to try something else. The Grado Prestige Silver/Gold has been suggested. My budget is under $300 and I do not own nor plan on buying a step-up transformer soon. Reasonably high output and tracking, along with a warm but detailed sound is paramount. The arm is the Linn Akito. My album collection is classical/jazz/classic rock/folk/ get the idea.

Your suggestions are truly appreciated. My tastes are eclectic; mostly jazz, classical, classic rock, and whatever is worthy.
Thank you one and all...
I always suyspected the arm was less than stellar.
I may keep an eye open for a good deal on a used arm as well as cartfidge.
The Akito is a fairly good arm, although an Ittok is better still, and a better arm with a cheaper cartridge will outperform a better cartridge in a less good arm. I remember being surprised at how much better the Akito was than my Basik Plus, and again at how much better the Ittok was than the Akito (significantly!).

Cartridges--the AT 440 ML is terrific--sounds a lot like a smoother K9, and is only $99 or so from Needle Doctor and others. The Linn Adikt is also terrific, although I think it is $350--above your budget.


The Linn Adikt is a Linn-labeled Goldring 1042, made for them by Goldring. Same with the Roksan Corus Black, and the Audio Note IQ-1 or IQ-2(can't remember which one).

I like the Goldring series cartridges on those tables, for the MM class.