Brightness Differences Between Daytime and Evening

Hey everybody, I've just noticed something really logical but shocking today! My system is really bright during the daytime, but from around 7 and on it is so smooth and relaxing.. This is an AC problem I am guessing. It seems to be the only variable that changes, so that must be it. Another variable is ME, my mood during the day is different. I'm less relaxed and I've got more stuff running around in my brain. Just wanted to know what you think: Is it more ME or the AC that is contributing to the brightness during daytime hours. Let the games begin!
Sean said it very well. My experience exactly, and I know my in home voltage is lower during the day than late at night. Prime listening time for me starts about 11 PM, but mid-night to 1 AM is best and music quality is the difference between night and day;>)-- can't stay awake beyond that. Cheers. Craig
When a man asked which was more important, the Sun or the Moon, the audio fool answered, "The Moon."

"Why do you say the Moon?" the man queried.

The audio fool replied, "The Moon always provides light at night when it is needed."
While I believe AC to be the main culpret, I am guessing RFI or EMF? augmented/generated by the sun also contribute. I obviously do not know the precise terminology or happenings. My theory comes from the fact that there is more hum from my TT/preamp when the sun is staring at my west window. Does anyone else have any comments on this? Obviously the magnitude changes with windows and shielded cables, etc.

Albert, is there a night and day difference with your rig? I know who have taken my electrical provisions, so I am just curious.
Your thread really got out the funny birds! :-)
Seriously: Get a PS AUDIO Power Plant! Pure juice - pure sound, regardless of the time of day or night. Their money back policy takes away any risk. Try it, it works!
Good luck!