Turntable Purchase Suggestion

I am going to add an analog front end. I have Bat 50se Pre and 75se amp driving Mezzo Utopia speakers. I cannot compare a variety of tables/arms. I have heard a Spacedeck only, but without comparisons, how am I supposed to know. Here are the suggestions I have had thusfar: Spacedeck w/spacearm.....Scoutmaster w/JWM arm.....Basis 2001 w/Vector arm.....Rega P-9 w/Rega1000 arm. Is there actually a best one or perhaps some other? I am trying to get the best sound (organic, focused, clean, dimensional, and smoth top end with solid bottom end) while spending no more than $8000. Phonostage suggestions include: BAT P10, Whest (double box version), Ayre and Brinkman.
I would see if the Final Signature Acoustic Tool remains available at 1750 here on audiogon. It is a superb table for the money and is made of real metal and not plastic! Add a quality tonearm (rb300 Incognito wired, Kerry or Michell heavyweight, and a custom VTA adjuster) and you are off to the races.

Another excellent value is the Scheu Cello which can be had for about a grand with rega rb250 or 800 w/o arm. Only can be ordered direct from Scheu.

Of the decks you mention above I like the P9 and the Spacedeck. But neither would be my first choice. Another excellent choice is the Teres which you will get some votes on. The entry level Teres is 1890 plus shipping/tax. It is a wonderful table and has the advantage of plenty of support from the Teres fanatics (er, fans...) on this forum and is built in the USA so you can puff up your chest and buy USA!

The 245 Teres is probably a better turntable but at a cost of close to another grand. What you get, though, is a finished rosewood base and armpod rather than an unfinished birch base and unfinished acrylic platter. you would have to put the finish on these items. The rosewood looks much better than the birch and if the user claims are believed it sounds materially better than the birch, too.

If you are a novice I'd stay away from unipivot tonearms which the Vector is. The Rega 1000 is a great arm but very expensive as is the P9. For the cost of a new P9 you can have a Teres 245.

Good luck.

Meyerb, you can add the Aesthetix Rhea to your list of possible phono stages. I have one that works very well with my 50SE. Probably a bit cheaper than a P10se as well.

I would suggest looking a bit higher up the Basis food chain at at least a 2500. I had a 2001 with a Vector and it is a very good combination. IMO/IME the 2001 is somewhat light in the bass reproduction. May break your budget, though.
I would recommend a Verdier Plantine table, Morch arm and Koetsu cardridge. I have had this set up for over ten years and had very little adjustments and this set up can hold it own against any set up. I also use a Rhea.