Trans Temp W, Magic Diamond cartridges - comments

Thanks to these forums, I feel like I know everything there is to know about ZYX's, but has anyone anything to say about the new Transfiguration Temper W? How about this year's cult fave, the Bluelectric Magic Diamond (Lloyd Walker's current favorite.)
I would also like to hear about the new Temp W and what phonostage works well. Raul recently posted that the bass was near perfect and the presentation was neutral.
I own a Temper-v(low output),as does a friend.Usually,the lower output designs are superior in low level resolution.Only if you have enough gain in your phonostage.
Take a look at the latest issue of Hi-Fi News and Record Review,for a full review!!The results found are what I hear,but,there is a TON of REALLY GREAT cartridges on the market today!!Who knows which is best?I don't think you can go wrong with many of the top choices.
Hi: All the Temper's are great cartridges and looking at your audio system the W will be a very good match and an improvement over the Frog.

The Dynavector XV-1 could be a great improvemente in the quality sound reproduction of your very fine audio system.

+++++ " I know everything there is to know about ZYX's. " +++++

The ZYX cartridges are a good ones too, but I think that the W or the XV-1 have better balance and neutrality all over the frecuency spectrum, they are more delicated and are near to the " truth " than the ZYX.

+++++ "I don't think you can go wrong with many of the top choices. " +++++ I agree with Sirspeedy.

Now, if you have the money, you can go for the excellent Allaerts MC2 Finish: this cartridge makes a real " difference " in the music/sound reproduction.

++++ "Lloyd Walker's current favorite.)" ++++
Mr. Walker is an extraordinary TT/audio designer ( that it is in the audio business ), but remember that he have a brain and two ears like anyone and his music bias and frecuency response of his ears like his audio system is different from yours or anyone else.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul, I'm just curious. Would you mind posting a list of all the cartridges you currently own and which ones you listen to the most?
