Trans Temp W, Magic Diamond cartridges - comments

Thanks to these forums, I feel like I know everything there is to know about ZYX's, but has anyone anything to say about the new Transfiguration Temper W? How about this year's cult fave, the Bluelectric Magic Diamond (Lloyd Walker's current favorite.)
The battery in the Cartridge Man gauge will last indefinitely if charged on a regular basis. A 6-8 hour charge once a month is more than enough if the gauge is not used.
The battery is not particulary expensive at $4.50.
I think your assertion that it is a "POC" is also very unfair; there are thousands of very satisfied users. Perhaps you had a faulty unit. It does occur albeit infrequently.
Bill Feil
Mine never held a charge that long. That was my major complaint. It was always dead when you wanted to spot check VTF and it took 8 hours to recharge. Also, being significantly more expensive ($275 vs $70) than the other options out there doesn't help. I'll stick with my assesment of POC and keep the Durascale.

Everyone's assessment of quality is different.Though I do appreciate all comments,I must admit that I have had my guage for about 6 or 7 years of trouble free service.The manual indicates the expected performance,and maintenance,and other than the fact that the unit's battery went on me during a very crucial time (I have just had my SOTA COSMOS updated,and was re-dialing parameters)it,to me,is a very good unit,if one follows the instruction manual.It is one of the few units that give accurate readings in the hundreths of a gram.I checked it against my pal's 700 dollar WINDS guage,and it was dead on.So,the hastle of replacing a battery every 6 years is no big deal,to me.In terms of differing readings,you MUST have the stylus tip hit the EXACT center of the indented area,otherwise readings aren't precise.Thanks for the well intended input.