VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects

Has anyone used this product as an audio IC (it apparently can be used in digital and video applications, too)? What were your impressions? I own some VenHaus PCs that rock, and am interested in what any owner of the VenHaus ICs has to say. In advance, thanks for your reply.

VenHaus site:
Hi Zybar-I read your review & your comments about the high end glare duplicate the results I've experienced when using rhodium connectors, so would venture a guess that this is where it comes from.

With the excellent results from the Pulsar's I'll have to put the XLR's w/gold connectors on my short list.
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I noticed just a wee bit of upper midrange "hardness" ( some would call it "glare" ) with the Pulsar's initially, but it was quickly and easily subdued via my cable burner. Having said that, this is a cable that seems to repond to burn-in relatively quickly as compared to some other silver or silver / copper hybrids that i've tried. There are some phenomenally well reviewed silver cables that i've tried that i could never get to sound "smooth" or "full bodied" no matter what i tried. For a point of reference, all of my experience with the Pulsar's has been with RCA based connections. Quite honestly, i have no idea how the coaxial design of Pulsar could be used / configured in a true balanced / xlr type design. Maybe the XLR based cables are actually using a slightly different design / conductor geometry. Sean
I will let you know the difference between the gold Furutech xlr connectors and the rhodium. I have both types in my house right now.

As for the high end glare...I was able to get rid of it my some tweaking of my speakers (VMPS RM 40's).

I highly recommend the balanced Pulsars regardless of the budget.

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