VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects

Has anyone used this product as an audio IC (it apparently can be used in digital and video applications, too)? What were your impressions? I own some VenHaus PCs that rock, and am interested in what any owner of the VenHaus ICs has to say. In advance, thanks for your reply.

VenHaus site:
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I noticed just a wee bit of upper midrange "hardness" ( some would call it "glare" ) with the Pulsar's initially, but it was quickly and easily subdued via my cable burner. Having said that, this is a cable that seems to repond to burn-in relatively quickly as compared to some other silver or silver / copper hybrids that i've tried. There are some phenomenally well reviewed silver cables that i've tried that i could never get to sound "smooth" or "full bodied" no matter what i tried. For a point of reference, all of my experience with the Pulsar's has been with RCA based connections. Quite honestly, i have no idea how the coaxial design of Pulsar could be used / configured in a true balanced / xlr type design. Maybe the XLR based cables are actually using a slightly different design / conductor geometry. Sean
I will let you know the difference between the gold Furutech xlr connectors and the rhodium. I have both types in my house right now.

As for the high end glare...I was able to get rid of it my some tweaking of my speakers (VMPS RM 40's).

I highly recommend the balanced Pulsars regardless of the budget.

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For what it's worth, I've had two pair of the Pulsars (RCAs) for a little over two months and struggled a bit early on with the top end as well. I don't have a cable burner so I just left the ICs on the system using tuner or XLO burn-in disk (putting the amp in standby when I did).

For me, it took well past 200 hours for the top-end to settle in. But once they did, WOW - they are truely exceptional! Clean, balanced, neutral from top to bottom! I find the music just more engaging. Do they do a better job of PRAT or are they just getting out of the way and letting the equipment do it's best? Beats me but whatever they do, it's definitely working for me! I'm keeping them and now burning in one of Chris's Flavor 4 PCs.