This is part of a response I received from the Disc Dr. re the use of his cleaning system. The quoted portion pertains to your question. Duane is no hack, so I urge you to take his advice.
"Please make sure that you have a carbon fiber brush available for use
before and after each playback (as described in the pamphlet which
accompanies all order or can be mailed or emailed upon request, also
available at our web site). A CFB previously used on less than thoroughly
cleaned records can be regenerated by soaking the 1/4 to 3/8" of the tips
overnight in the full strength fluid followed by several rinses with
distilled water. If available, periodic use of a ZeroStat-type device will
keep the brush at maximum efficiency. We offer the Audioquest carbon fiber
brush, discounted to $13.50. We do not recommend the current versions of
the Hunt or Decca brushes as they are less efficient & contain additional
synthetic bristles
which can scratch some vinyl formulations when applied dry."