So YOU can't hear a difference in cables

I do.

I have a set of Van Den Hul the Seconds They get rid of the digtal glare and edge. They are non fatiguing to listen to.
They sound full and lush but give up some detail and soundstage. I can listen to them indefinitely.

My Au24's are more holographic, have better soundstage, detail in spades, but there is that digital edge and glare.

My silver interconnects sound good but tizzy on the top end. They are out.

Day in and day out give me the Van Den Hul the Seconds, no fatigue, but oh I want the detail and soundstage of the AU24's.

If you suffer from that digital glare or edge get the vandys.

I find that the louder the music the more that the cables matter. I find that cables "tune the sound".

Anyone have a suggestion for an interconnect that fits my bill at a reasonable price?
RCA interconnects are what I am talking about.

I can't remember the name of the silver RCA interconnects.

I don't want to hear a difference but absolutely do.
I have found the Tara Labs "Zero" interconnect to be the "best of the best," regardless of associated system components.

I have been waiting to hear some user feedback on this design. It got poo-pahed pretty badly when I sought comment at the Cable Asylum. Of course, nobody had heard it at that point, but that didn't matter since apparently the design alone was worthy of the slight in their minds.